Together we are a better community




To provide leisure activities for the Chinese community living in, or neighbouring boroughs of Brent.


To breakdown social exclusion through the promotion of Chinese culture and history.


To provide free legal support and advices to those unable to access due to language barrier.

Oriental Chinese Community Centre is based in Colindale, North London. We are established to create an all-inclusive community for the Chinese regardless of where they are from, beliefs or age.

東方華人社區中心是一個位於倫敦北部(Colindale)的社區中心。 我們致力營造一個有愛的華人社區,不論國籍、宗教、年紀,我們都歡迎你。

What we do

Activities 活動

Helping elderly integrate into the community through organising English classes, medical requirements support, information services, etc.


Share 分享

Holding gatherings and celebrations for events and festivals such as Chinese New Year, Mid-Autumn Festival, Christmas, etc.


Companionship 友誼

Providing a centre for the community to meet new friends through participation in physical activities, such as table tennis, cooking classes, etc.


Vision 願景

To create an all-inclusive community that accepts all Chinese ethnic people regardless of where they are from, beliefs or age, as long as they are in the UK.


Missions 使命

To offer the support as well as more opportunities to gather and participate in activities.


Values 信念

To bring contribution and provide service in Chinese Community. To promote traditional Chinese culture.


Latest Activities 最新活動

Ballroom Dancing

Dance Session is led by Carrie, who has more than 10 years of teaching experience, beginners and all levels are welcome.

高老師有十多年教導跳舞經驗 , 由高老師帶領的舞蹈時段 適合不同程度的朋友參加。

Tai Chi & QiGong Class

Qigong is a traditional Chinese practice that promotes good health and healing. Improve the nervous and circulatory systems, and promote calm and focus. Tai Chi is a full-body exercise that utilizes aerobic movements and abdominal breathing. Through the spiral movements, the body achieves harmonious coordination between firmness and softness, resulting in fluid and continuous movements that are agile and flexible.

氣功是以少林功法為基礎結合傳統氣功的特點,能更好的增強人體機能,提高免疫力,讓身體 和呼吸更加強而有力。太極拳能提高平衡力、腿部力量、心血管耐力、脈搏率、肌肉靈活度、 免疫系統反應、睡眠質素。同時在練習過程中能體會和加深對身體、呼吸、意識的自然協調。


The class is led by a qualified teacher trained with The Pilates Foundation, who has extensive experience of over 10 years working in Pilates teaching. You will begin to reap rewards in terms of greater flexibility and strength and improved well-being

課程由普拉提導師Neh教授。Neh受訓於Pilates Foundation, 擁有超過10年普拉提教學經驗。你將會在健康,靈活性和力量方面獲得很大的回報!

SHAOLIN kung fu class

The practice of Shaolin Kung Fu can enhance body reflexes and sensitivity, release negative energy, return to a healthy body, and delight the mind!

修習少林功夫可以提高身體反應和敏感度等,內外兼修, 能有效釋放身體負能量和精神壓力,同時讓身心愉悅。


The class is led by a qualified Yoga Teacher. Philosophical and spiritual aspects are a prominent feature in her teaching. Tashans Flow hopes offer moments of release and tranquillity amongst the chaos of this current climate.

課程由資歷豐富的瑜伽導師Tashans Flow教授,哲學和精神注重是她的教學 特點之一,體現出流暢而且具力量的風格。 Tashans Flow 希望在課堂中為大家提供放鬆的時刻,在當前的混亂 中獲得寧靜。

Lion Dance

Supporting by the UK Chinese Sports Federation, Chung Ching Tong London Lion Dance offers FREE Lion Dance sessions for OCC members! Enjoy the fun of lion dance with professional training as well as experience traditional Chinese culture!

由英國華人體育總會支持,忠正堂龍獅團為OCC會員免費提供舞獅課程! 忠正堂龍獅團在舞獅表演方面經驗豐富,曾在不同場合上演過許多精彩的表演。 與我們一起在專業的訓練下享受舞獅的樂趣並體驗傳統中國文化!

Leisure Karaoke Session

Karaoke is a form of entertainment where participants sing along to pre-recorded musical accompaniments. It has become a popular social activity, allowing people to showcase their singing talents and enjoy the pleaseure of music and vocals.

卡拉OK是一種娛樂活動,它讓參與者可以唱歌到已經錄製好的音樂伴奏上。 卡拉OK已經成為一種受歡迎的社交娛樂活動,讓人們展示自己的歌唱才能, 並享受音樂和歌聲的樂趣。

Table Tennis Session

Free Table Tenis Session will be provided for members only. Please bring you own bat and balls.


Leisure Time Session

OCC will provide leisure Mahjong, Chinese Chess and novuss sessions for our member! We invite you to join and have fun with other members!


Past Events 過去活動

Gallery 相片集

Lunar New Year Fundraising Sale - 11-18 Feb 2024

Lunar New Year Celebration - 14 Feb 2024

Christmas Party 2023 - 19 Dec 2023

Free Chinese Medicine Consultation - 26 Nov 2023

Free Haircut for Members - 25 Sep 2023

Mid-Autumn Festival Snow Skin Mooncake Workshop - 19 Sep 2023

Cambridge Day Tour - 22 Aug 2023

AGM and Dragon Boat Festival Gathering - 20 Jun 2023

Brent Health Matters 健康日 - 30 Apr 2023

CNY Poon Choi Gathering and Chinese Calligraphy Workshop – 18 Jan 2023

Christmas Community Outreach – Dec 2022

Beijing Opera Workshop with the UK Chinese Opera Association – 15 Oct 2022

Inauguration Ceremony and Mid-Autumn Celebration - 6 Sep 2022

Stonehenge-Bath Day Tour - 19 Aug 2022

Dragon Boat Festival Gathering – 24 May 2022